Video Maharaja Lawak Minggu 2. Last night the Maharaja Lawak mega week 2, all participants tonight featuring a better joke and it can be ascertained more than week again buffoonery lepas.Sama like the previous week, the jury still seems to want to eliminate Participants Lawak mega Maharaja. As Adi 6ixth Sense of the Jury calls Maharaja Lawak mega Minggu 2 .
When viewed in the latest lottery carta, Boboi Maharaja Lawak Mega was addressing the other participants by lottery number picking up 18% and followed by Anje, BP and RAP, each of which has the same lottery number, 8%, while the bottom of the lottery last night was passionate with gebu number by 1%. luckily last night there was still no elimination if not passionate collection must be eliminated from the stage comedy mega emperor, sorry it just appeared 2 times had to go home.
Actually my very son teringin include video performances from comedy mega emperor participants at week 2, but I understand it was still a beginner in the blogosphere do not know which way many kinds of video participants enter the boy emperor buffoonery week 2 last night into my blog.
EMH but no matter who made it dah many writings about the video overlord comedy mega week 2 ne. I also look at the comedy mega-neh maharaja of video uploaded by friends bloggers. thank you very much dah maharaja buffoonery mega upload videos to youtube 2 weeks, so I can watch live streaming video mega emperor buffoonery week 2.
I think not only me who can not watch the appearance of buffoonery maharaja participants last night. because not all channels Astro orng have color, so to watch video solutions maharaja buffoonery online mega week 2 was the most delicious. although a little late than necessary, wait for the boy who could watch the new uploads. Well for the Maharaja of buffoonery Mega loyal audience Sunday please look at this blog .
Neh Maharaja Lawak Mega minggu 2 Video that I got from youtube
1. Video Kumpulan Boboi Maharaja lawak Mega Minggu 22. Video Kumpulan Osbon Maharaja Lawak Minggu 2
3. Video Kumpulan Bawal PowerMaharaja Lawak Minggu 2
4. Video Kumpulan Caer Maharaja Lawak Minggu 2
6. Video Kumpulan Bawel Maharaja Lawak Minggu 2
7. Video Kumpulan Syok Maharaja Lawak Minggu 2
10.Video Kumpulan Rap Maharaja Lawak Minggu 2
14. Video Kumpulan Lanun Maharaja Lawak Minggu 2